Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Picture of Girls

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pakistani Girls Pics - Friends Korner

Pakistani Girls Pics - Friends Korner

The International Student Loan Center
Each year over 200,000 Americans study abroad and nearly 600,000 international students come to the USA to study. However, studying abroad often requires financial assistance for extra expenses such as travel, accommodations and materials, which can make it a greater financial commitment. is here to help, by offering a range of international student loans and study abroad loans to international students and Canadian students in the USA and for US Students studying around the world.Why get an International Student Loan?For the most part, students struggle to fund their international education. Scholarships and grants are always available, but if you are one of the lucky ones to receive one it will still not cover all your expenses. That is where an International Student Loan will help you. Our lender partners offer n o application fees or other out-of-pocket fees and preliminary approval in as little as 15 minutes. Normally, funding is very quick, but currently processing and funding times have slowed down.Interest rates have gone up substantially! We are also experiencing processing and funding delays due to the turmoil in the student loan marketplace. Borrow as little as you can -- make sure you exhaust all other avenues for funding first. Use scholarships, personal and family funds, and any other money you can first. Read more about the Credit Crunch and how it impacts international students.
Posted by Janu at 10:29 PM 0 comments
There are rumors in the Market that SMS services may get blocked this week (most probably from May 1st, 2009); however no official words yet from any side on this news.
This rumor basically originated from multiple news bureaus, but no newspaper carried this news later on. Reports were that government has started thinking seriously about blocking SMS services in the country, or at least some parts of the country.
We know that SMS services were blocked in Islamabad during Long March 2009.
When we discussed the issue with a high official of a cellular company, he said that cellular companies are not informed of any such thing. He further said that cellular companies will not remain quite if any such action is taken by the government; the reason is that cellular companies make 7 to 10 percent of their revenues through SMS services.On other hands, mobile subscribers, especially youngsters have showed their initial response to Rehman Malik’s statement, which said government, may consider blocking SMS services if used illegally

Pakistani Girls Pics - Friends Korner

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About Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia mulls marriage ban for girls under 18
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia may ban marriage for girls below 18, a government minister said after a case of an eight-year old girl marrying a man more than 40 years her senior drew international criticism and embarrassed the kingdom.
"Among the options that are available and excluding the issue of puberty, is to ban marriage for (people) under 18," Justice Minister Mohammed al-Eissa told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper.
He was responding to a question about his ministry's plan to deal with the marriage of young girls.
"A girl below 18 is often not fit to take the family responsibility especially if she quickly gives birth (after marriage)," he said.
Saudi Arabia is a patriarchal society that applies an ascetic form of Sunni Islam which bans unrelated men and women from mixing and gives fathers the right to wed their sons and daughters to whomever they deem fit.
Many Saudi clerics, including the kingdom's chief cleric Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al al-Sheikh, endorse the practice of marrying underage girls, arguing that in doing so they avoid spinsterhood or the temptation of engaging in relationships outside the wedlock.
A 50-year old man in the small Saudi town of Onaiza agreed this week to divorce his eight year-old bride.
Financial considerations could prompt some Saudi families to wed their underage daughters to much older men.
Many young girls in Arab countries that observe tribal traditions are married to older husbands but not before puberty. Such marriages are also driven by poverty in countries like Yemen, one of the poorest countries outside Africa.
(Reporting by Souhail Karam; Editing by Jason Benham)